In 2025, we have donated…
Since 2012…
$612,508 donated
In 2024…
$154,568 donated
Where our funds went in 2024 and 2025
Purchase Hallelujah Toffee
100% of profits fund faith-based projects around the world.
Our Mission
We are an all-volunteer team with two main goals:
ONE: to fund Christ-centered outreach projects around the world.
TWO: to take every opportunity to share the story of God’s love.
100% of our profits go directly to projects prayerfully chosen each toffee season.
Our 2024 Featured Projects
Novo aims to launch, grow, and multiply movements of committed followers of Jesus. Latin for “make new,” Novo has well-established staff members strategically located deep inside countries around the world. Hallelujah Toffee funds will be going to Novo, meeting the urgent physical and spiritual needs of men, women, and children with the love of Christ.
Slavic Gospel Association covers 8.5 million square miles with the light of the Gospel, primarily in Eastern Europe. They train pastors, equip the believers, plant churches, care for orphans, and do relief work in war-torn locations. We are so thankful to partner with them and the incredible work they are doing in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, and even Central Asia. You can find out more about the work of SGA here.
Enkai’s Children is a ministry working in Kenya to be the hands and feet of Jesus, particularly to the Maasai people group. They do so with humanitarian aid, medical care, educational scholarships, building projects, evangelism, church planting, discipleship, and adult reading classes, all for God’s children. (Enkai is God in the Maa language.) Based out of Tennessee, this grass-roots ministry is rooted and respected in Kenya.